Once a payment has been created, it will stay in status New
until the user has authorised it on their bank's site or app. This process should take a few seconds.
However, if a payment is in New
status for an extended period of time, it would mean that the user never actually consented to the payment. There are different reasons why this would happen:
- The user has cancelled the flow before selecting their bank (for example, in the bank selection screen);
- The user has selected the bank, but abandoned the flow and closed the bank's app/site without pressing on a cancellation button;
- The user has run into an error on the redirect to the bank;
- The user has run into an error during the authentication process:
- If a user initiates a payment with Open Banking, obtains the account details and reference from the banking app, abandons the Open Banking payment, and then makes a payment through their own banking app, the payment will stay in "New".
If you need more information
- Check out this Help Centre article about each payment status and their meanings.
- If the user has run into an error on the provider's app/site or during the redirect, open a ticket using our Help Centre.
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