When doing a single payment request for either xs2a-bank
the bank may ask for the remitter IBAN. As an app developer, you may want to know if your app users are requested to enter their IBAN manually and then pass that through to TrueLayer.
As stated by the European Banking Authority on the Directive 2015/2366/EU (PSD2) published on 05/03/2021:
The European Banking Authority clarified in paragraph 34 of the EBA Opinion on obstacles under Article 32(3) of the RTS on SCA and CSC (EBA/OP/2020/10) that “interface implementations that require PSUs to manually input their IBAN into the ASPSP’s domain in order to be able to use AISPs/PISP’s services are an obstacle”.In addition, as clarified in paragraphs 35 and 36 of the Opinion, there are different ways to avoid payment service users (PSUs) having to input manually their account details in a payment initiation service journey.
We recommend adding an input screen for those banks on your app or website where the user can enter their IBAN securely. In the /providers
endpoint, we return whether the IBAN is mandatory or not. TrueLayer's European connectivity Team will change it to optional once we know the bank has removed the requirement. We'll communicate this change to our clients who are live or interested in operating in the EU.
- Follow our Documentation to initiate a payment;
- Check here if TrueLayer performs validation on the fields of a payment request.
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