General Questions
- Are Revolut Joint Accounts Supported for AIS?
- How do Spanish providers handle account holder name in the Data API?
- Is it possible to get date of birth from the /info endpoint?
- I'm upgrading to auth dialog v3, what do I need to know?
- What is overdraft and how do banks usually handle it?
- How do I filter Starling Space transfers from transactions?
- How do I filter Monzo pots transfers from transactions?
- How do I retrieve business account names?
- How does the Spending endpoint work?
- Can I use the same client_id and client_secret in the Live and Sandbox environment?
- Does TrueLayer offer credit/risk modelling services?
- What information can we find when calling for the /info endpoint?
- How often will `account_number.iban` be returned by /accounts?
- How can I get a Credentials_id/Debug_id?
- What is the difference between the balances returned?
- What rate limits apply to the Data API?
- How does the Open Banking authentication flow work?
- How can I get started with the Data Product?
- What should I include in a support ticket for the Data product?
- How do I implement app-to-app flows on mobile?
- Best practices when dealing with access and refresh tokens
- How does TrueLayer replicate my issues?
- How to add your logo to the Auth Dialog?
- Which banks and PSPs can I retrieve account holder name from?
- Asynchronous requests: best practices
- What is an active connected account?
- What is the date format for a transaction request?
- Why am I having issues with my app redirection on iOS?
- Are my requests and responses real-time?
- Does TrueLayer cache my requests?