To obtain a debug_id please use the access_token of the relevant user to send the following request:
curl --request POST \This will give you a response similar to the below, that you can send to our support for debugging:
--url \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{"access_token": "<your_access_token>"}'
"credentials_id": "SSwF1CgQMLOs0qratFpybzF7uJ3hxwppiw1C4s+rT4I=",
"debug_id": "ob-monzo|U1N3RjFDZ1FNTE9zMHFyYXRGcHliekY3dUozaHh3cHBpdzFDNHMrYXk0ST0",
"provider_id": "ob-monzo"
For more information about debug_id check our documentation.
Check how we use debug_ids to investigate issues: How does TrueLayer replicate my issues?
The link in "For more information about
s, check our documentation." gives 404Hello Ehtesham,
The link should be working as intended, however, if you continue to experience this issue feel free to submit a ticket in our Help Centre and we will look into what is causing it.
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